Update on Royal Pas Reform’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic

March 17 2020

Update on Royal Pas Reform’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic

Dear valued customer,

Over recent days we have all seen the spread and impact of the Covid-19 pandemic develop rapidly. We continue to closely monitor developments in our markets across the world and calibrate our responses accordingly.

I am writing to assure you that Royal Pas Reform is committed to supporting our customers and staff by all means possible and helping you to ensure the continued safe operation of all your business at this time of uncertainty. We are prepared to respond to this evolving situation quickly and effectively and to the highest possible standards. Working closely with our customers we will try to steer through this difficult time as smoothly as possible.

We have implemented our primary action plan, and we will review and update this speedily – whenever new instructions emerge from governments and regulatory authorities.

At present, the key issues we have addressed concern travel, meetings and hygiene protocols. I can summarise these as follows:.

  • We have implemented travel restrictions on our employees in order to protect their health and wellbeing, which means that they will no longer be able to travel internationally.
  • We have also cancelled or postponed all larger meetings and training sessions until further notice and we are asking our business partners to postpone site visits to Pas Reform locations wherever possible.
  • As a result, we respectfully ask for our customers and suppliers to support us in using tele-conferencing, Skype and other digital communication channels to maintain contact and host virtual business meetings, where possible.
  • We will of course follow the strict hygienics guidelines provided by regulatory authorities and we will respect any requirements from our customers related to site visits and hygienic protocols.

We will do the utmost to limit the impact this may have on the support we can provide. First of all, you can contact our local Pas Reform colleagues or representatives, who  will be pleased to assist you by any means possible. You can also contact our service desk 24/7 – by email at service@pasreform.com, or by telephone at +31 314 659 111.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or problems you may have. I can assure you the best possible service.

Yours sincerely,

Harm Langen

Need help?

Henry Arts, Marketing Director