A new contract was agreed during the South African Poultry Association’s Annual Show, held recently at Emperors Palace in Johannesburg. Present for Serfontein Kuikens’ were directors Jan Serfontein Snr and Jan Serfontein Jnr, with Bouke Hamminga, Pas Reform’s director of International sales and business development, and Pas Reform’s South African representatives, also a family concern, Jankees Sligcher and his son Adriaen.
Serfontein Kuikens’ hatchery expansion will occur in two phases. The first, coming into operation by the end of November this year, will include three SmartSet™ 115 Setters with one SmartSet™ 38 and six SmartHatch™ Hatchers. In the second phase, two further SmartSet™ 115 Setters will be added, bringing the hatchery’s total capacity to 8.8 million pullets per annum.
The two companies have worked together successfully, says Mr Jan Serfontein Snr, for seven years. “From our first project with Pas Reform, we saw evidence of a knowledgeable partner, that puts in the time and the effort to make sure any project they are involved in is a success.
“Pas Reform remains our hatchery partner of choice because we are always impressed by the quality and productivity of the equipment and of the service we receive.”
Jankees Sligcher joined Pas Reform in 2004, as the Serfontein’s were placing their first order with Pas Reform. He has worked through every phase of the company’s hatchery developments since. “The Serfonteins set out to bring the Amber Link breed back to South Africa, and this latest expansion is proof they are succeeding more convincingly every year.
“This next phase marks another milestone in this journey, and we are very pleased to be a part of it.”