Owned and run by the family Glevarec, Couvoir Francois has been operational in the Bretagne region for three decades and specialises in the production of first class day old, premium strain broilers. The company has also diversified, with the commercialisation of Labelle broilers: a slower growing, quality breed for an increasingly popular and growing market segment in France.
As a pioneer in Labelle production, Couvoir Francois been at the forefront in this niche market - and the family has always taken an innovative approach to its business. It is this pioneering approach, says owner and director Mr. Daniel Glaverec, that prompted Couvoir Francois to look at Pas Reform’s Smart incubation technologies. “We were in the process of studying the entire renovation of our hatchery,” he says, “and Pas Reform’s innovative products seemed to represent an excellent fit with our approach.
“The Dutch company has a knowledgeable and professional presence in the French market, with sound, reliable back-up for parts and service locally - and with French technicians. We were also impressed by Pas Reform Academy, for the support available to achieve superior, uniform quality in the day old chicks.”
Couvoir Francois’ renovation has been planned over two phases. The first phase -changeover to SmartHatch™ hatchers - was completed in January 2010, to be followed by the installation of SmartSet™ setters in phase two. Mr. Pierre Joris, Pas Reform’s Distributor in France, will oversee the project’.