"Since introducing our new Smart™ incubation system last year, we have recorded sales to 22 customers in 15 countries in the first half of this year for SmartSet™ setters and SmartHatch™ hatchers alone," comments Mr. Bart Aangenendt, president of the Dutch hatchery technology company. "This is the most unprecedented growth - and it is imperative that we are in a position to offer our customers worldwide the same close, cooperative partnerships at a local level."
Pas Reform is expanding its network of representatives with newly opened offices in Bangladesh, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Ecuador, France, Great Britain, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka and Venezuela.
All agencies have been selected for their inherent expertise, to deploy highly skilled poultry experts who have the resources and experience to oversee a hatchery project from conception through to installation. Each will work in close co-operation with the Pas Reform Academy and with the full support of the company's senior team of sales, project management and training specialists, to ensure that quality standards are met consistently around the world.
All representatives have dedicated sales and support personnel, and hold their own spare parts stocks locally.
"This is an exciting time for everyone involved with Pas Reform," concludes Mr. Aangenendt. "Acceptance for Smart is growing rapidly throughout the hatchery sector, and with the support of this greatly expanded network of partners, we are already looking at future developments, to further enhance the performance and deliverables that can be achieved by our customers worldwide."