The contract for the supply of Smart was signed between Société Grapolima of Morocco, represented by owner Mr. Mohamed Alaoui Mamoun, and Mr. Bart Aangenendt, President of Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies, at a meeting on the Pas Reform booth during the World Poultry Show.
Société Grapolima is building its new state-of-the-art hatchery in Morocco after signing an agreement with Lohmann for the production and distribution of Lohmann layers for the Moroccan market. Mr. Alaoui Mamoun comments: 'We have undertaken extensive research into what type of machinery to place in our new hatchery. After lengthy in-company discussions, we selected the newly developed Smart Incubation System from Pas Reform primarily for the ability to work at various egg weight-loss patterns with the SmartSet Setter - which is very important with present layer genetics - and for the hatch spread of 12 hours that we can achieve in the SmartHatch Hatcher'.
Besides the delivery of SmartSet™, SmartHatch™, the SmartDrive™ Incubator Control System and the SmartCenter™ Hatchery Management Information System, Pas Reform will also deliver the complete hatchery automation and hatchery ventilation system.
Through the Pas Reform Academy, Société Grapolima was also greatly encouraged by Pas Reform's project management experience. Pas Reform's Project Management Team developed a hatchery-specific strategy that optimized the most efficient, performance-enhancing combination of incubators, hatchery climate control and automation systems. Following installation, a tailor-made training programme will ensure that Grapolima's hatchery personnel are fully conversant with optimizing the system to optimize performance throughout the hatchery.
'Pas Reform incubators have done very well in the Moroccan market', says Bart Aangenendt, 'and with our new Smart Incubation System, we are confident that we will continue to be ever more present in this part of the world'.