These market developments have lead to an increase in the scale of hatcheries while their absolute numbers decrease, both in Europe and increasingly in emerging economies. This up-scaling, which is essential for the continuing livelihood of a hatchery, requires improved process control.
As a recognised innovator for the hatchery industry worldwide, Pas Reform has been selected to lead Project ‘Hatchery of the Future’, which has the primary aim of developing a fully integrated, socially responsible and sustainable hatchery solution.
By connecting ‘Smart Industry’ and hatchery infrastructure, Project ‘Hatchery of the Future’ will form a single touch point, that enables the hatchery industry to gain unparalleled insights and control over the total hatchery process.
Project keywords are: Process optimalisation, sensor technology, big data analysis, track & trace, sustainability, animal welfare and market acceptance.
Programme (OP) EFRO Oost-Nederland is a joint subsidy programme by the European Union and Dutch provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland, aimed towards structural economic reinforcement. EFRO invests in innovation that contributes to reducing CO2 emissions for a low carbon economy, with the aim of increasing profitability out of new products for companies in the east of the Netherlands.