A new, patented technology, SmartVac allows 100% safe, consistent and accurate in-ovo vaccination and nutrition. It delivers the injectables only into the amniotic fluid, thus preventing possible injury to the growing embryo.
SmartVac will enable the poultry industry to apply a wide range of vaccines in-ovo, including Gumboro, Marek, ND and Coccidiosis vaccines. This is optionally performed in combination with nutritional components – for chickens with a healthy gut, favourable microbiota, enhanced immunity, and thus improved field performance.
SmartVac is designed to maximise the safety of the injection process, by focusing on the development level and needs of the growing embryo. The Embryo Soft Touch® sensor on the injector allows automatic and individual adaptation of the injection depth to each single embryo, regardless of egg and embryo size. EST® also detects when the setter tray has an empty egg position, or contains non-viable eggs (infertiles or early deads) helping to reduce wastage of valuable vaccine. Only eggs containing grown embryos are inoculated with vaccine or nutrition.
We are delighted to invite you to visit us at VIV Europe 2022 in Hall 7, booth B074/B075, for a detailed introduction to the SmartVac incubation system.
Bouke Hamminga, Royal Pas Reform’s Sales Director, will deliver a session on SmartVac, the next-generation in-ovo vaccination and nutrition, in a ten-minute presentation in the 2022 VIV Europe Innovations Gallery programme.
For more detailed information visit www.pasreform.com/smartvac
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