Hatcher basket destacker

For the safe, steady transfer of hatcher baskets directly from dolley to conveyor

Hatcher basket destackerHatcher basket destacker


Safely destacks both full and empty hatcher baskets directly from the dolley onto a conveyor.

By destacking directly from the top of the stack on the dolley, baskets are only touched once and carefully loaded onto the conveyor, which reduces the risk of shocks and vibrations. Strong, flexible grippers maintain strong, reliable contact with the hatcher baskets, for the smooth handling of full baskets with valuable day old chicks inside.

The automatic dolley in- and -outfeed system allows for single person operation. By adding more grippers, the capacity of the unit can be easily upgraded up to 720 hatcher baskets per hour. This destacker is easily maintained for long life and easy to clean using high-pressure equipment.

How it works

  • A dolley with stacks of hatcher baskets is placed into the infeed system of the destacker
  • The dolley is automatically guided into the correct position in the destacker to start the process
  • Grippers make a clockwise rotation between the dolley and discharge conveyor, to place the top basket on the discharge conveyor
  • When both stacks have been destacked, the dolley is automatically pushed out to the other side of the destacker, to allow for automatic infeed of a new dolley

Technical specifications

Capacity 580 or 720 baskets per hour
Installed power 4 kW
Air consumption 18.3 litre/min at 6 bar
Dimensions (LxBxH)6000 x 1790 x 2840 mm
Weight 1,600 kg
Material Stainless steel AISI304 (where applicable)
Including Automatic dolley infeed and transport system
IP MarkingMotors IP55, Sensors IP68/IP69K, Control panel IP6


Hatcher basket destacker

Need help?

Bouke Hamminga, Director International Sales & Business Development