Hatchery Talks® - 3 tips to minimize the impact of prolonged hatching egg storage

Tags: Webinar

Hosted by Gerd de Lange, 08 July 2020 3:00 PM GMT+2

Want to learn the specific strategies that Pas Reform Academy recommends to minimize the impact of prolonged hatching egg storage?

Now you can! Watch the replay of the Hatchery Talks® webinar – hosted by Senior Poultry Specialist, Gerd de Lange on July 8, 2020.

In this short and intensive 45-minute webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to create optimum egg storage conditions

  • How egg position prevents the sensitive embryo from dehydrating

  • How to heat-treat the hatching egg during storage and boost the embryo’s vitality

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Hosted by Gerd de Lange

Senior Poultry Specialist

If you require any additional information on this webinar, please don't hesitate to contact me.