Piping for SmartSetPro™ setter

For the delivery of clean, uninterrupted fresh air to SmartSetPro™ setters

Piping for SmartSetPro™ setterPiping for SmartSetPro™ setter


Fresh, conditioned air from the corridor or air supply plenum is transported to the setter units through the air piping set. With minimum air resistance and special adaptors, this set completes the Polystyrene front panels for Pas Reform’s SmartSetPro™ setter. Connected to each modular incubator section, the air piping ensures optimal air conditions for each section of 4 setter trolleys

Technical specifications

IncludingAir inlet box behind louvre grill (louvre grill not included)
Air ducting from air inlet box to sectional inlet valves
Adaptor from round ducting to incubator air inlet


Piping for SmartSetPro™ setter

Need help?

Bouke Hamminga, Director International Sales & Business Development