Candling, take-out and transfer system

For automatic candling, clear egg removal and semi-automatic transfer from setter tray to hatcher basket

Candling, take-out and transfer system


In-line candling and take out with semi automatic transfer of hatching eggs from setter trays into hatcher baskets.

Easy and flexibile in its operation, this unit can candle and transfers 36,000 or 50,000 eggs per hour, depending on the applied version. When equiped with the mobility package, the machine can be easiliy positioned at the right location in each hatchery. Inline candling light system for a continues operation. Data registration to provide information for process optimisation.

Optionally the semi-automatic transfer unit can be replaced by a full automatic transfer system for minimum amount of operators.

How it works

  • The light sensor in the candling unit scans the eggs, to reveal whether eggs are fertile or clear. The amount of light passing through the egg is an indication of the presence of a developed embryo or an infertile egg. This data is recorded into a database for review and reference
  • Infertile (clear) eggs are automatically removed from the setter tray and discharged for further handling. The proportion of fertile or infertile eggs has no effect on machine capacity.
  • Semi-automatic transfer of eggs from setter tray to hatcher basket, the vacuum transfer unit picks up the eggs, to gently place them into the basket.
  • Optionally an in-ovo vaccination unitcan be added to the system.

Technical specifications

CapacityDepending on the type of take-out gross 36,000 or 50,000 eggs per hour
Candling categoriesFertile and clear
Type of poultryChicks, ducks
Dimensions (LxWxH) 3250 x 1240 x 1900 mm (including transfer unit)
Power consumption3.0 kW
Air requirement5 litre/min at 7 bar
MaterialStainless steel, equipped with a 5 x 7 cm touch screen full colour display
IncludesCandling data program
Connection with internet thru company network
OptionalMobility package
In-ovo vaccination preparation


Candling, take-out and transfer system