Spray humidifier

To balance humidity in the hatchery

Spray humidifier


Hygrostat-controlled humidifier enables humidity to be finely controlled to the required levels in cold store rooms, small setter and hatcher rooms, or chick store rooms. Clean water is combined with pressurised air, to produce a fine mist which is sprayed into the room to maintain the required humidity set-point.

How it works

  • Compressed air transports the required amount of water as a fine, even spray that evaporates quickly to restore optimum humidity setpoint
  • Available in 3-nozzle ceiling mounted 6l/hour or 2-nozzle wall mounted 4l/hour versions, both complete with Hygrostat to measure and control humidity accurately

Technical specifications

Wall mounted capacity4 litres/hour
Ceiling mounted capacity6 litres/hour
Amount of nozzles 3
Weight4.5 Kg
MaterialStainless steel AISI304
IncludingHygrostat humidity sensor and control


Spray humidifier