SmartPro™ technologies chosen for two hatchery expansions in Korea

March 29 2023

SmartPro™ technologies chosen for two hatchery expansions in Korea

South Korea-based hatcheries Allpines and BH have both chosen Royal Pas Reform SmartPro solutions for their latest expansion projects. Allpines, which was established 40 years ago, has installed 6x SmartSetPro setters, 6x SmartHatchPro hatchers, and an automated chick counter. 

According to Allpines’ president, Mr. J.K. Lee, the company chose Royal Pas Reform because chick quality was most important to get a chick supply contract with a big broiler integrator. He had learned that other hatcheries in the area that have Royal Pas Reform solutions, including DY Farms and SungJin, had good hatching results and he was convinced that Royal Pas Reform incubators will give him the required performance. Fast-growing BH has operated with Royal Pas Reform incubation systems for almost 20 years. Its latest expansion includes 12x SmartSetPro setters, 12 SmartHatchPro hatchers and an automated chick counter.