
For short periods of heat treatment during egg storage



Heat treatment during egg storage is proven to reduce the negative effect of long egg storage times. It has been shown to improve hatchability and chick quality, even if eggs are only stored for 5-7 days. This positive effect is attributed to the increased number of viable cells produced in the blastoderm by short periods of increased temperature.

How it works

SmartHeat™ is an electrically heated unit, so that it may be easily be placed close to the egg storage room for flexibility and convenience in use.

  • Preparation: For each single heat treatment, eggs placed in setter trays on trolleys are moved from the storage room into SmartHeat™ and the program begins. The program runs in ‘negative’ time mode, i.e. at the end of the set period of heat treatment (which can be set for temperature and time according to local conditions and egg quality), the timer reaches zero
  • Preheating + Heat treatment: After a period of preheating at 77°F (to achieve uniform egg temperature before starting heat treatment), SmartHeat™ initiates the rise of temperature to achieve uniform eggshell temperature of 90°F
  • Cool down: After the required, programmable hours of heat treatment have been administered, SmartHeat™will initiate the required cool down period
  • Back to egg storage: At the end of the cooling period, when average eggshell temperature is closer to storage room temperature, the eggs are returned to the storage room
  • Repetition: When egg storage time will exceed approx. 14 days, a second and even a third heat treatment is beneficial for optimizing hatchability and preserving chick quality

Technical specifications

SmartHeat™ 1 (Corridor) capacityUp to 22,032 hen eggs (depending on trolley and tray configuration)
SmartHeat™ 2/2L (Corridor) capacityUp to 44,064 hen eggs (depending on trolley and tray configuration)
SmartHeat™ 3 (Corridor) capacityUp to 66,096 hen eggs (depending on trolley and tray configuration)
HeatingElectrical heating (optional integrated heating)
CoolingWater cooling system with 34 vertical, parallel coils in each incubation section
VentilationVortex™ air pump system in each incubation section
Set points per section Separate temperature setpoints for each 4 trolley-section
Incubator controlSmartTouch™ user interface

