SmartCount™ spray vaccinator

For vaccination against Infectious Bronchitis and Newcastle Disease

SmartCount™ spray vaccinator


Pas Reform Academy has worked with leading vaccine manufacturers to develop this fully optimised spray system that delivers the correct droplet size (mist) for accurate vaccination. A transparent drift guard ensures an ideal spray-image, avoiding vaccine drift and wastage.

This system has been designed for seamless integration in the SmartCount™ chick counting and boxing system. Equipped with a dual tank system, the spray vaccinator automatically switches to a backup vaccine storage tank to prevent any unnecessary interruptions to the process and is equipped with see-through plastic covers, to prevent spraying outside of the chick box.

A detection system automatically registers the presence of a chick box, so that spray is only applied when chicks are present.

How it works

  • Compressed air vaccine spray is activated automatically as each chick box passes underneath
  • By inhaling the vaccine spray, day old chicks are protected against various diseases, including Infectious Bronchitis and Newcastle Disease
  • Double auto-changeover vaccine containers include a small reservoir, weighed while vaccination is in progress, and a larger reservoir that can be refilled while vaccination continues
  • Placed in a central console, the vaccine containers are easy to access, with a warning to indicate when a refill is required for uninterrupted operation

Technical specifications

Capacity 750 chick boxes/hour or 75,000 chicks/hour
Spray vaccination tanks 19.5 litre and 5.7 litre Integrated into SmartCount™ console
Air requirement 1.7 l/chick box at 6 bar
Vaccine containers and nozzles Made of food-safe materials NSF-51, with no brass or copper, to allow thorough cleaning and disinfection without damaging parts
Couplings spray vaccination NSF-61 for drinking water, NSF-51 for food and FDA for food and bevarage
IP MarkingMotors IP55, Sensors IP68/IP69K, Control panel IP66


SmartCount™ spray vaccinator